Chronic City

A while ago I read Jonathan Lethem’s Chronic City, but failed to write about it here for some reason. I thought I’d rectify this because it’s an interesting book, and it sheds some new light on the theme of vertigo which has been irritating my mind for some time now. Generally speaking it’s a goodContinue reading “Chronic City”

Who owns this land?

Back from Edinburgh, where I saw many interesting things, including an excellent one-man play about Kafka, based on his letter to his father, which I now want to read. But I want to write about something else – my only jaunt into the Book Festival, which was really quite overpriced at £10 a ticket with no dealsContinue reading “Who owns this land?”

My Happy Days In Hell

A while ago I posted about the new Central European series Penguin have published. I’ve only just got round to reading some of them, and so far I can report that the going is good. I started with Josef Skvorecky’s The Cowards, which is very good – reminiscent of Jerzy Andrzejewski’s Ashes and Diamonds. BothContinue reading “My Happy Days In Hell”