Things We Didn’t See in Perm

You could, if you wanted to, divide travellers into planners and drifters. Some people rock up airily in a country and drift about wherever the wind takes them, leaving their experiences to chance: not me. I’m definitely a planner. Well, sometimes I drift, especially if I’ve been to the place before, but mostly I planContinue reading “Things We Didn’t See in Perm”

Tips for Travelling on the Trans-Siberian

Or any other long-distance train, for that matter. Bring a plastic/ metal mug and plenty of tea bags, instant coffee, or whatever floats your beverage boat. Hot water is free, and making tea will become an important activity. Cutlery is also useful. Bring lots of food and water. You can eat in the dining carContinue reading “Tips for Travelling on the Trans-Siberian”

Life on a Trans-Siberian Train

I’m often asked about what life is like on board a Trans-Siberian train. Well, actually, I’m rarely asked but I’m going to tell you anyway. A lot of people love the idea of attempting a Trans-Siberian trip, but are put off by the thought of spending so much time on a train. Trust me: you willContinue reading “Life on a Trans-Siberian Train”

Tourist Relay in Tomsk

Ah, Tomsk. If for some vanishingly unlikely reason I was forced into exile in Siberia, I would live in Tomsk*. It’s the Bath of Siberia I think – well, not really, not in any meaningful way. But it’s a small, comfy, laid-back university town with lovely distinctive architecture.  (Forgive the crap photos. At some pointContinue reading “Tourist Relay in Tomsk”

Knives and Forest Fires: The Rest of the Journey to Tomsk

When we woke up the next morning Victor was gone. After a while we were joined by a young mother and her two children, a ten year old girl and an extremely lively five year old boy who ended up entertaining himself by playing Slap The Englishman with Chris. They were good fun, though quiteContinue reading “Knives and Forest Fires: The Rest of the Journey to Tomsk”