
I bought an ikat-style silk scarf exactly like this one in Khiva in Uzbekistan for I think $12. In a moment of idle browsing I discovered it on the interweb for $32.99, which is good for a silk scarf, but it really makes me wish I’d filled an entire suitcase with the beautiful things… IkatsContinue reading “Ikats”

Balint Abady’s number one fan

While I was doing my M.A. I had reading lists as long as my arm and leg put together, and didn’t have any time for pleasure-reading. That’s not to say I didn’t read for pleasure, but when I did I did it fast and guiltily, like somebody’s husband in a knocking-shop. Now I’ve finished IContinue reading “Balint Abady’s number one fan”

Five things I learned in Uzbekistan

The photo used in the header was taken by me in Uzbekistan (more precisely, Tashkent), where I was at the time, but where I no longer am because I’m back in London. Five things I learned: 1) holidays are often too short 2) young Englishmen with big Jesus-beards and artistically arranged keffiyehs – the sortContinue reading “Five things I learned in Uzbekistan”